Quotes from References

 "Mrs. Cothern is a dedicated teacher who is a pleasure to work with. Her students enjoy her classroom & seem to want to do well for her. Students are supported through her use of encouragement & praise. She has gone above & beyond in the classroom to work with students with behavioral challenges & communicates regularly with parents regarding student progress."    -SW (Former Principal)
"Mrs. Cothern's classroom is inviting and her teaching style is refreshing. She consistently promotes student engagement by asking probing questions to stretch the student's thinking & understanding. She maximizes instructional time by having materials readily available & through set classroom rules."      -LJ (Former Assistant Principal)
" Knowledge of the curriculum is evident & you could tell that she researched & though out her lessons before hand. She has wonderful classroom management & use of hands on manipulatives to introduce new math concepts. She is an excellent planner & is well liked by everybody by the parents & everybody in the school." -SM (Student Teaching Collab. Teacher)
"She has great lesson plans & does a good job modeling the desired responses from the students. She makes good connections with other subjects during her well planned & organized lessons. She used puppets as a great accompaniment to the lesson & did a great job motivating the students and keeping their interest. She has good classroom management & does a great job of monitoring students as they work independently. Very professional & has become a great teacher!"    -Dr. L.B. (Ss Teaching Supervisor)